Kamis, 15 September 2011

Air Terjun Tonrong, Desa Terasa

Tonrong adalah salah satu dusun di desa Terasa, Sinjai Barat. Tonrong menjadi salah satu dusun terjauh di desa Terasa selain Cenre. Jarak yang ditempuh untuk sampai ke Tonrong dari dusun Kalelembang sekitar 7 Km, dan untuk sampai ke Air Terjun Tonrong, kita harus menempuh perjalanan 2 Km lagi. Untuk sampai ke dusun Tonrong dapat ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki ataupun dengan sepeda motor, tetapi sepeda motor hanya dapat digunakan apabila kondisi jalan sangat kering atau tidak terjadi hujan. Hal ini disebabkan kondisi jalan yang masih berupa tanah dasar yang sangat membahayakan jika dilewati pada saat terjadi hujan.

Jalanan Ke Dusun Tonrong

Untuk sampai ke dusun tonrong, kita melewati dusun Bontosunggu dan dusun Laha-Laha. Jika berjalan kaki memakan waktu kira-kira 3 jam, dan 1 jam naik motor. Perjalanan yang terasa melelahkan seakan hilang ketika kita telah sampai ke tujuan, yaitu Air Terjun Tonrong. Dipandu langsung oleh Kepala Dusun Tonrong, kita akhirnya menginjakkan kaki untuk pertama kalinya di air terjun yang masih sangat alami ini.

Pemandangan air terjun ini masih sangat alami dan belum tersentuh oleh tangan manusia. Rasa dingin yang sangat akan terasa ketika pertama kali menyentuh air terjun ini. Suhu air mencapai 18 derajat celcius yang membuat tubuh sedikit gemetar. Akan tetapi setelah beberapa saat, rasa dingin akan hilang perlahan-lahan.


Rabu, 14 September 2011


Arrived at 1 PM, Saturday, September 10th, 2011. Nothing changed but the house that we live at. Seem cleaner than ever. That’s mean we are the suspect who always make that place terrified, I mean dirty and dusty.
The first day, we came to Mr. Arifin’s house and Village Head’s house. Damn, ulcer came again because stupidly I drank Sprite, and I knew if I drink it I gonna got a trouble, I still drink it. And I almost fall from motorcycle because that ulcer make me blank for a second L.
At the night, we got a little party @ Mr. Kamaruddin’s House. Many people join us, I mean same party as before we back to Makassar 3 weeks ago. About more than 20 people there, the man sat at living room, playing card, watching video and discuss about anything, while the woman made “Jalangkote” at kitchen. That was a pretty good night because all of us seems like a big family even we know five of us (KKN student) just a comer, but it doesn’t matter. And for me, yes we are family J. All of them, man, woman, child, teenagers, even the cat J. I brought some gift for the children there, and I gave them at night. I was so happy to saw their happy face.
The second day, wake up earlier, 8 am. We went to Mr. Iskandar’s house, Mr. Bakri and Mr. Yakub. Back to home at 12.00 pm, we found the woman made “Kapurung”. So we had lunch with the “Kapuirung” and the chili was so hot for sure. After lunch we went to Mr. Rida’s house, ate another traditional food, unfortunately I forgot the name. then we continued to Mrs. Nisa’s house. There, we ate “Sonre”. Sonre was a liquid brown sugar, we eat the liquid brown sugar with grated coconut, the brown sugar same with caramel and so sweet. I had to drink water twice, but pretty delicious J.
At last, we finally back at 3.30 pm. It was so hard actually to leave that place again, I mean because we just at there for one day. But all of us had a another responsibility at college, so we had to back to Makassar. Even only 27 hours, but we were so glad to saw Terasa villagers.

Kamis, 08 September 2011

HUT RI KE-66 @ Desa Terasa

Video Pelaksanaan HUT RI Di Desa Terasa

created by CrazhcorP.